Thursday 22 August 2013

Raya mode & University mode in ONE.

Hello. Assalamualaikum.

lama tak menaip. like seriously I almost forget that I own a blog! Hahaha. I read a few blogs everyday, I mean my fav blogs but then I forget to write mine. Nevermind. I dont have that bunch of followers who always patiently waiting for my stories, so I will write whenever I feel so. even once a year. hikhik :P

so here we're now in August. still in Syawal mood. but then Raya mood is slowly going away since University mode is already switched on. Alhamdulillah. Just so u know, I got the offer from UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA (USM), Penang to further my degree study in September 2013. Err, to be frank, USM is my second choice after UM. No rezeki in UM. Allah has decided that my rezeki is in USM, so I gotta accept it. Ohh btw, my course is Bachelor's Degree (Hons) in Social Work. four years yaw! (kos yg sy pergi interview haritu). At first I was crying and being upset. I kept questioning why Allah has put me in this situation. I dont like that course, at first yar! My aim is to be a teacher. I want TESL. Allah has shown me how hard my kakak was to have her first posting  (my kakak is a teacher). She has to wait about 7 months. finally, in July, she got the offer to posting in Sabah. so, from that moment, I motivated myself that my rezeki is not being a teacher. It might be better than that. InshaAllah. Be positive. Bersangka baik pada Allah. =)

The preparation so far Alhamdulillah. Just need to copy a few documents je. All the barang2 dah beli sikit2. I need to do my preparation after Raya. it seems so last minute! it is because during Ramadhan I was busy to prepare for Kakak's engagement day. She was in Sabah at that time, so I was the only one anak Ibu yg boleh drive, so I gotta do, not almost everything for sure. hehe. nevermind, it's the first experience! Next is my turn. Aamiin ~

I will be going to Penang, nextweek inshaAllah. The registration day in on 1st September. So my family and I will depart a day before inshaAllah. I hope everything will be fine. I dont want that sweet-escape-things to happen again. I hope in 4 years time, I'll be back to Terengganu for good and bring my degree along. pastu kahwin lah. sampai ganu letak beg terus kahwin :P HAHA

Tahniah kawan2 yg dapat masuk U. untuk yg tak dapat, dont be sad. tunggu rayuan inshaAllah mana tahu dpt yg lebih baik. Allah saja tahu kan rezeki kita kat mana2. =)

last but not least (mcm dlm essay jeee), Selamat Hari Raya maaf zahir dan batin. dan selamat menempuh alam universiti kpd diri sendiri dan kawan2. We're going to be a MAHASISWA/MAHASISWI. yeay! =D

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