Monday 2 December 2013

1st story : SARAH's University Life =)

Hai. Hello! Assalamualaikum ~

First and foremost, this maybe going to be my last post in last month for this year. LOL. I didnt expect to write this post since I forgot my password to sign in Blogger. After several trials, yeaaa here I am! writing this post. ahaks~

well. just so you know, I've been here in USM for 3 months, means that I am half way to finish my very first semester. within a month to start the final exam. it's so awkward! after a long time I didnt 'meet' the exam paper and all those things (the thick-like-hell books for sure). I keep questioning myself "Am I ready for the final exam?". entah la labu. sometimes I feel so confident to go through the 'war' but there were the times that I hate so much when I lost focus to the things that I've always wanted to give my all best. but now, I tend to motivate myself when I am in lost mode instead of torturing myself for doing something bad. I believe that good words can cure the unhappy heart.

For these 3 months, I went back home for 4 times! Hahah. I admit that homesickness is still 'landing' in myself. I dont know why so hard to keep this away from me. aigo~ why dear self why? I can see a lot of people here enjoy their campus life so much. yes, I enjoy it too. but not too much. seriously. whenever i wanna do something, I will straightly think of my family. Ibu Ayah Kakak Adik. well. this is my first time ever been away from family and TERENGGANU for sure. After 2 months, I kind of recovered from that homesickness. but still thinking of my family (all the time). *yang peliknya, i gain weight! 7kgs. boooooo! homesick ke apa kalo gini ? zzzz~

I've been through the most hectic time in the university. the time which I didnt have enough sleep. doing the assignments. studying for the test. preparing notes for the presentations. a lot ! 24 hours sometimes are not enough. HAHA *hyperbola*

Here, it's so hard for me to go to anywhere I want. I mean the transport. I dont have any transport here. I just use the provided bus in USM to go to the class everyday. To go the outside places, I need to ask for seniors' help to send me to the places. this service is called as 'student cab'. or else, my friends and I will rent a car for half day and we will go to everywhere we want until night. pehh! I've been to many well-known places in Penang. Bukit Bendera, Batu Feringgi, Gurney Plaza, Gurney Paragon and lots more! *only in 3 months* HAHAHAHA

well. I cant wait for study week. I choose to back home to study. I am an alone-person to study. I dont like to study with 2 or more people. btw, 21st Dec I will be going to KL by taking a flight. gonna spend 2 or 3 days there then back to Terengganu.

Pray for me to prepare well for the final exam. I want to score as high as I can. Break a leg, SARAHNABIHA! =))

Goodluck people in everything you do. May Allah bless us. xoxo !

Thursday 22 August 2013

Raya mode & University mode in ONE.

Hello. Assalamualaikum.

lama tak menaip. like seriously I almost forget that I own a blog! Hahaha. I read a few blogs everyday, I mean my fav blogs but then I forget to write mine. Nevermind. I dont have that bunch of followers who always patiently waiting for my stories, so I will write whenever I feel so. even once a year. hikhik :P

so here we're now in August. still in Syawal mood. but then Raya mood is slowly going away since University mode is already switched on. Alhamdulillah. Just so u know, I got the offer from UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA (USM), Penang to further my degree study in September 2013. Err, to be frank, USM is my second choice after UM. No rezeki in UM. Allah has decided that my rezeki is in USM, so I gotta accept it. Ohh btw, my course is Bachelor's Degree (Hons) in Social Work. four years yaw! (kos yg sy pergi interview haritu). At first I was crying and being upset. I kept questioning why Allah has put me in this situation. I dont like that course, at first yar! My aim is to be a teacher. I want TESL. Allah has shown me how hard my kakak was to have her first posting  (my kakak is a teacher). She has to wait about 7 months. finally, in July, she got the offer to posting in Sabah. so, from that moment, I motivated myself that my rezeki is not being a teacher. It might be better than that. InshaAllah. Be positive. Bersangka baik pada Allah. =)

The preparation so far Alhamdulillah. Just need to copy a few documents je. All the barang2 dah beli sikit2. I need to do my preparation after Raya. it seems so last minute! it is because during Ramadhan I was busy to prepare for Kakak's engagement day. She was in Sabah at that time, so I was the only one anak Ibu yg boleh drive, so I gotta do, not almost everything for sure. hehe. nevermind, it's the first experience! Next is my turn. Aamiin ~

I will be going to Penang, nextweek inshaAllah. The registration day in on 1st September. So my family and I will depart a day before inshaAllah. I hope everything will be fine. I dont want that sweet-escape-things to happen again. I hope in 4 years time, I'll be back to Terengganu for good and bring my degree along. pastu kahwin lah. sampai ganu letak beg terus kahwin :P HAHA

Tahniah kawan2 yg dapat masuk U. untuk yg tak dapat, dont be sad. tunggu rayuan inshaAllah mana tahu dpt yg lebih baik. Allah saja tahu kan rezeki kita kat mana2. =)

last but not least (mcm dlm essay jeee), Selamat Hari Raya maaf zahir dan batin. dan selamat menempuh alam universiti kpd diri sendiri dan kawan2. We're going to be a MAHASISWA/MAHASISWI. yeay! =D

Saturday 23 March 2013

RESULT STPM 2012. =)

Assalamualaikum wbt =)

ni anak2, mak nak cerita pasal kejadian yg berlau pada tanggal 18 Mac 2013. Harap anak2 mak sudi membaca tulisan mak ini. terima kasih kerana sudi berkongsi rasa dgn mak. :P

KAHKAH. intro jiwangpebenda !

ok back to the topic. dah 5 hari dah result STPM keluar hari Isnin lepas. serious aku kabo. seminggu sebelum result kuar tu aku nervous kemain dah. tapi lepas tu aku okay je. aku takmo fikir negatif. aku try untuk serap benda positif masuk dlm kepala. aku motivate diri aku "apa je aku dapat, aku kena redha. sbb result tu berdasarkan keikhlasan kita untuk belajar.". aku ada jugak terKADANG eh bukan terkadang TERSELALU jugak main2. dalam kelas ke kat rumah ke kat tusyen ke.

pagi tu bangun awal sbb mcm biasa kena hantar adik n sepupu ke sekolah. aku jarang tidor balik lepas hantar adik. cikgu bagitau result kuar pukul 12.00pm. so aku pegi dlm pukul 11.30am. sampai sekolah, aku tengok kawan2 muka ada yg senyum. rilex pun ada. cuak pun ada. aku yg bercakap banyak ni tak cakap mana pun sbb DEBARAN tu makin kuat. Hahah! datang sekolah nampak muka cikgu baru takut.

dalam pukul 11.50pm cikgu bagi ucapan sikit. then Taraaa! result diumumkan. cikgu suruh beratur ikut kelas. aku takut nk ambil sbb yelah. entah. aku pun taktau nak cakap mcm mana. tengok kawan2 yg dah ambil, so aku dgn kawan baik form6 aku, Maisarah pun pegi ambil sama2. buka slip result tu sama2. bagai nak menitis air mata masa buka result tu. ALHAMDULILLAH. syukur ya Allah. it was very unexpected! aku target takdela sampai mcm tu since aku lemah dan tak confident mana dgn satu dua paper. Berkat doa Ibu Ayah, guru2, orang sekeliling dan diri sendiri yg tak pernah putus2 doa dan solat hajat, finally Alhamdulillah. It's beyond my expectation. Aku pergi kat cikgu dan peluk dia. Cikgu2 cakap tahniah. Aku mesej Ibu Ayah dan dorang call cakap tahniah. dorang terharu. =))

Cikgu Makroekonomi aku, Cikgu Zakaria ada tanya soalan yg buat aku rasa kagum dgn diri sendiri.

"Awk rasa berbaloi dok keluor UPSI haritu dan tengok result awk harini?"

I was like.... yeahh, I made a good choice. Alhamdulillah. Takdir Allah sangat indah sebenarnya.  :)

Terima kasih untuk semua cikgu yg banyak bersusah-payah untuk kami. seriously, aku rasa bila aku masuk form6 ni aku rasa hubungan pelajar dgn guru2 mcm keluarga. erat sangat. terima kasih Cikgu Khatimah untuk semuanya selaku mentor aku. dia banyak tegur aku dlm paper Pengajian Am 2. dia selalu tegur aku sbb aku malas. malas nk buat graf. malas nk mengarang. lastly, aku dpt A solid utk paper Pengajian Am. untuk Cikgu Shikin, bangga pun ada sbb dulu cikgu banyak tegur sbb dulu aku kalo bab beri huraian dlm Geografi 1, mmg aku malas. Alhamdulillah aku dpt A- untuk Geografi 1. dan untuk semua cikgu. Cikgu Zura selaku cikgu BM. sorry cikgu sbb tak boleh bg A untuk BM. biasa dpt A tp yelah. hehe. Cikgu Roha cikgu Mikroekonomi. hasil dia marah aku dlm kelas buat aku bangga jgk tengok result ut Paper Mikroe. Cikgu Surina cikgu Geografi 2. sorry jgk cikgu. takboleh nk bg A. cikgu pengajian Am 1, hehe cikgu Azmah. berbaloi kdg2 bertekak sbb nk defend aku punya pendapat kalo bermain dgn soalan parlimen ke ADUN ke. it's worth! dan cikgu Zakaria juga. sume cikgu best2. Thanks a lot. =))

*gambar dgn cikgu lain takde.

ni bersama Cikgu Zura (BM) masa hari result diumumkan.

 ni Cikgu Khatimah. Ummi saya. Mentor saya. Cikgu Pengajian Am.

hadiah dari Ayah. :)

Now aku syukur. aku boleh buktikan kat orang yg dulu perli aku masuk form6. yang mengata aku sbb aku buat keputusan bodoh keluar dari UPSI. yelahh sbb aku masuk keluar masuk form6 ni. I dont even care. Jatuh bangun aku dgn family aku dgn kawan2 baik aku. dorang lagi tahu aku mcm mana. Thank you haters. sebenarnya kata2 perli dorang buat aku makin kuat. HAHA. Hope u get it ! :))

Walopon result aku takdela segempak orang2 lain yg blh masuk paper boleh bergambar sakan. tapi aku nak share a few tips. kalo rasa berguna, ambek lah. kalo tak, tak payah pakai. :)

1 - Jaga solat. try utk solat awal waktu. KALAU boleh
2 - Jaga solat hajat juga. buat setiap hari. aku biasa buat after Maghrib/Isyak.
3 - Jaga Quran. baca lah walopon satu muka surat setiap hari.
4 - JANGAN compare diri sendiri dgn orang lain. kalo nak compare, sila compare dgn diri sendiri yg dulu. which is kalo makin bagus, it's GOOD ! 

banyak lagi sebenarnya. kalau nak, kita berjumpa di Facebook! kahkah :P

*aku suka study tengah malam. biasa 12am sampai 2am or 3am. TOLONG kenal diri anda. kalo jenis study siang hari lentok, baik toksah study. yes macam aku. aku prefer tengah malam. fresh gitewww! kalo siang, aku lentok. kehkeh :D

okay baiklah. itu sahajo aku nak share. bukan untuk tujuan menunjuk tapi niat untuk SHARE. bereh boh?? :D

*dapat hadiah pertama dah. hikhik. thanks Ayah for Samsung Galaxy Note 2.

Doakan aku semoga dipermudahkan untuk mengisi borang UPU. =)

Assalamualaikum ~